GIVE    CONNECT EVENTS ALPHA Bible Recap                      

A.C.T.S. Prayer Guide

The following prayer guide is not original with me but is something I have found helpful in organizing my daily prayer time:



In Psalm 22:3 the psalmist David wrote of God, But You are holy, enthroned in the praises of Israel.  A modern paraphrase renders this verse, God inhabits the praise of His people.
The picture in my mind is that God loves to make himself comfortable in places where people are praising Him.  In fact, he is so comfortable that he chooses to live there.  If you want to experience God’s presence, then praise Him – tell Him how good he is.  It is no coincidence that the Lord’s Prayer begins with “Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be your name.”


Each day as you enter your payer time, listen to some good praise music; read a psalm that is praise oriented; sing or read to Him the words of your favorite praise chorus; or just tell God in your own words how marvelous and wonderful He is.  There’s no right or wrong way to do this.  Often, I will listen to my favorite worship song on You Tube.  Just get into God’s presence by lifting Him up.



It is said that “confession is good for the soul.”  Not only is confession good for the soul, it is essential in approaching a holy God in prayer.  Consider the following scriptures:

  • Psalm 34:15 – “The eyes of the LORD are toward the righteous and His ears are open to their cry.”
  • Proverbs 15:29 – “The LORD is far from the wicked, but He hears the prayer of the righteous.”
  • James 5:16 – “Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.”
  • Matthew 5:23-24 — “Therefore if you are presenting your offering at the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your offering there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and present your offering.

Sin prevents access to God.  Think in terms of a parent/child relationship.  When a disobedient child comes to a parent with a request for some type of pleasure, a wise and discerning parent will not grant any favors until the disobedience has been dealt with.   You will get no further with God than an obedient and a pure heart.

The good news is that according to 1 John 1:9 – “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

One word of caution is in order here.  One of Satan’s tricks is to get us to repeatedly go back to sins for which we have already confessed and sought God’s forgiveness.  Satan loves it when we focus on our past rather than the future.  Remember, whatever God has forgiven is forever gone whether it was last month or one hour ago.  One way I keep things in perspective is to pray the following prayer:

God, if I have been disobedient to you in any way

since the last time we met, please reveal it to me.

This keeps everything current and up to date for me.



After a time of adoration and seeking our hearts for any sin, enter a time of thanksgiving using the following guideline: 
Thank God for answering prayer;
Thank God for spiritual blessings (salvation, Holy Spirit, His presence, etc.):
Thank God for relational blessings (family, friends, etc.)
Thank God for material blessings.
The brother of Jesus said, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father” (James 1:17).  Acknowledge His blessings in your life. 



This is the place where you pray for the needs in your life whether they are yours or others.  I have chosen a particular path I am comfortable with.  You may adopt it for yourself or choose another way.  They key is to find a way of praying for needs you are comfortable with.  This is how I do it:

Monday – Prayers for family members and needs and for areas in which God is dealing with me, personally.

Tuesday – Praying for pastors around the country

Wednesday – Prayers for our church and people.  I often use the church directory and work my way through a segment of the alphabet each week. This is also a weekly fasting day.

Thursday – Praying Scripture – If God has spoken to me through certain scriptures I have read, I will use Thursdays to pray them.  There are some powerful prayers in Paul’s writing that I have prayed many times.  Ephesians 1:15-18; Ephesians 3:14-19; Philippians 1:9-11; Colossians 1:9-12.  Additionally, I have prayed the words of Philippians 2:5-11 for myself man times. 

God loves to hear himself quoted! He loves to hear his people pray back to Him the words that He gave us.  Not only that, when we pray God’s Word, we can rest assured we are praying properly and, in the Spirit, if our motives are right.


Friday – Friday is my personal Sabbath.  In the mornings I just rest in silence and try to hear what Jesus is saying to me.  My suggestion is to listen to what the Lord wants to add to your time with Him.  I’ll let you decide what your Friday and Saturday looks like.

“Be Anxious for Nothing”

That encouragement is right from scripture (Philippians 4:6).  So, if this plan seems a little overwhelming, don’t get anxious about whether you are doing it right or wrong.  When my kids come to visit, I don’t care how they get there, what they’re wearing, or how they are feeling.  I’m just glad to see them.  It’s the same thing with Jesus.  He is always glad you’ve taken time for Him, no matter what it looks like. 




SOAP Scripture Reading Plan

The SOAP reading plan was developed by Bishop Dick Wills of Honolulu.  The SOAP schedule presents the reader with at least 3 chapters every day.  I recommend it as an effective way to read God’s Word.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  1. Your Bible
  2. A pen/pencil
  3. Your daily planner/Calendar
  4. A Bible reading plan – There are many plans available using You Version or you can just put a bookmark in your Bible as you read along
  5. A “SOAP Journal” (Can be any notebook, spiral bound or otherwise, with blank pages for writing… could even be done on the computer!)


Journaling is an excellent way to both record and process what God has spoken to us. It’s also a useful tool to use at a later time, to reflect on and review some of the ‘gems’ that you have received. Without writing them down, you may forget those blessings and some very important lessons!

Here’s how it works:

Scripture – Read the Scripture you have chosen for that day.  If you are unsure how to start,  You Version has many wonderful options.  As you are reading through your Scripture, begin to underline or highlight verses that stick out, or really speak to you.  Use a Bible that you feel comfortable marking up and making notes in.  Don’t worry about summarizing anything at this point.  Just let your spirit be open to God speaking to you through His Word.  When you are finished reading your section of Scripture, skim back over it, and note the sections that you’ve underlined.  What stands out to you the most?  Where do you feel God really opened your eyes today?  Whittle that down to a phrase or a verse or two of Scripture.  In your Soap Journal, turn to a fresh page and put down today’s date.  Under that write an “S” and write out the verse or portion of Scripture that spoke to you.Then make a note of the Biblical Reference.

Observation – Write down an “O” and then write things that you observed during your reading or study of today’s text.  This can be as extensive as you want it to be.  Perhaps you are accustomed to following cross-references in Scripture, or looking up historical information and the broader, situational context, or even just recognizing what’s happening in the preceding and following chapters and verses (immediate context) of the current book of the Bible you’re reading. 

Application – Now write an “A” and then write how God is speaking to you personally through this verse. What is He saying that you need to hear?  What is He saying that challenges you, or perhaps comforts or encourages you?  This section in your journal simply helps you apply the verses of Scripture to your life and your current situation. 

Prayer – Finally, write down a “P” and the prayer(s) that emerge in your heart following your devotional time.  By this point in your time with God, it is likely you will realize God is leading you toward action of some kind. Maybe God just wants to encourage you or make you stronger in some area of your life.  Talk to God in this section.  Tell Him what’s in your heart and ask Him to give you what you need.  He longs to do this for you.  He is waiting for you to come to Him.  This is the part of your journal where you don’t want to hold back.  You cannot hide anything from God.  If you do, you are only short-changing yourself of God’s power to heal, strengthen, comfort or grow you.  Write it down.  Be real, honest and sincere with God.
“Be Anxious for Nothing”
That encouragement is right from scripture (Philippians 4:6).  So, if this plan seems a little overwhelming, don’t get anxious about whether you are doing it right or wrong.  When my kids come to visit, I don’t care how they get there, what they’re wearing, or how they are feeling.  I’m just glad to see them.  It’s the same thing with Jesus.  He is always glad you’ve taken time for Him, no matter what it looks like. 





How Do I Get Involved?

Grace Pointe is not a place for spectators. It is a place for team members. Whether you are a five-year old child, a ninety-five year old grandmother, a busy mom, or a businessman with big responsibilities, we want you to be a part of our vibrant church community. Here is how you can learn, serve, and grow at Grace Pointe.

Worship Ministry

Do you love God? Do you love telling others about Him? If you answered yes to both of these questions then the Worship Ministry Team is the right place for you. Every week people from different walks of life gather at Grace Pointe for many different reasons. Our responsibility: to reveal Christ through creative experiences. 
Are you a musician? Do you enjoy singing? Then join the Band.
Do you love to decorate? Join our Stage Design/Decor Team.
Do you love technology? Join our Media Team.  
Are you interested in learning more? Email

Echo Youth Ministry

Echo offers a place for a teen to feel safe and yet also challenge them to know what they believe and why they believe it. Echo looks to empower teens to take ownership in their faith. Echo also provides different opportunities to grow deeper in the Word and to actively be a part of the Kingdom of God by being the hands and the feet of Christ in practical and real ways.

Young Adults

Life can get complicated once you cross that nebulous threshold into adulthood. There are complicated decisions. Bigger stakes. Serious relationships. And a whole lot more decisions. The young adult group of Grace Pointe provides a welcoming atmosphere for college and early-career aged young people. The young adult group also helps challenge what the world is teaching and point the way to the way, the truth and the life they should have in Jesus Christ.

Women’s Group

Grace Pointe Women’s Groups gives the ladies in our church family special times of interaction. Our women’s groups, located in several locations throughout our community, are times of Bible study, prayer (and, of course, food). These groups provide a refreshing discipleship opportunity for the women in the church.

Married Couples

Even though marriage is one of the most important institutions, it is the one which is under the most attack–internally and externally. Grace Pointe gives married couples the opportunity to join four-month long marriage classes ranging on topics from Marriage and Money, Getting Ready for Kids, Shepherding Children, Marriage and Sex.

Senior Adults

Once you get past fifty, the fun has just begin. Whether retired, just plain tired, or active as ever, the over-50 group of Grace Community provides refreshment, ministry, and times of valuable interaction. A mentoring ministry gives older believers a chance to meet with and help younger believers grow in Christ.


Another greet way to get involved is by greeting the church body on Sunday morning. Our greeters are friendly and assist in helping people before the service starts. Some need help getting from their cars to the sanctuary or information on where to attend Sunday school. That’s what being a greeter is, providing assistance and a handshake with warm welcome. If you would like to become a greeter contact the office.