Faith Promise
The “Faith Promise roadmap for supporting Missions”
- Pray and ask God to help you know the amount you should give on a weekly, monthly, or annual basis throughout the Faith Promise year time frame.
- Calculate what amount you would have given in 8-10 months, whatever that Faith Promise time frame is.
- On Faith Promise Sunday submit the amount as your Gift by Faith that God will provide that amount to give over and above your tithe.
- Grace Pointe sends the WEF in on a monthly basis – this is then used to take care of the Missionary families and their needs around the world.
- You can give several different ways to fulfill your Faith Promise
- Mark an envelope with “Faith Promise” and place it in the offering
- Mail an envelope to the church, specifying its destination to the church office
- Making a gift online here!
Faith Promise is a commitment made in Faith between an individual and God.
A biblical method used by the Church of the Nazarene for raising financial support for God’s global mission. A Faith Promise is a commitment made in faith between an individual and God, based on what the person believes God wants him or her to give. Trusting God’s faithfulness to provide the amount God has ask them to give by Faith to support both Global and local missions.
Get Involved
Alabaster Offering
Community Food Pantry Involvement
Grace Pointe partners with these two area food pantries through food donations and volunteer service. Follow the links below for volunteer opportunities and more information.
Shepherd Community Center
Grace Pointe Provides: Canned Vegetables
This pantry exists to help end generational poverty on the near east side of Indianapolis.
Shepherd Community Inc. provides many different opportunities to help their neighbors.
Go here to learn more and sign up to serve.
Mary Lee Maier Community Food Pantry
Grace Pointe Provides: Granola Bars
This pantry supports the employees and families that have a child in the Avon Community School Corporation.
They have in person shopping every Thursday 5-6 PM during the school year.
We encourage you to sign-up on their website to serve on an upcoming Thursday night.
More Info: